In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Python programming, including its history, features, installation, and running your first Python program. Let's get started!

History of Python:

Python was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. It was designed to be a readable, easy-to-use, and versatile programming language. Python's syntax emphasizes code readability and its use of whitespace indentation instead of braces, which makes it stand out from other programming languages.

Features of Python:

  • Readable Syntax: Python's syntax is clear and readable, making it easier to write and understand code.
  • Dynamically Typed: Python variables are dynamically typed, meaning their type is determined at runtime.
  • Interpreted: Python code is executed line by line by the Python interpreter, allowing for easy testing and debugging.
  • Cross-platform: Python is available for various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Large Standard Library: Python comes with a comprehensive standard library that provides ready-to-use modules and functions.
  • Object-Oriented: Python supports object-oriented programming, allowing you to create reusable and organized code.
  • Community and Libraries: Python has a large and active community that develops and maintains numerous libraries for various purposes, from web development to data analysis.

Installing Python and Setting up the Environment:

To get started with Python, you'll need to install the Python interpreter and set up your environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Download Python: Visit the official Python website ( and download the latest version of Python for your operating system.

  2. Install Python: Run the downloaded installer and follow the installation instructions. Make sure to check the option that adds Python to your system's PATH to make it easier to run Python from the command line.

  3. Verify Installation: Open a terminal (or command prompt on Windows) and type python --version to check if Python is installed correctly. You should see the installed Python version.

Running Your First Python Program (Hello, World!):

Let's write a simple "Hello, World!" program in Python.

  1. Open a Text Editor: Open a text editor such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (macOS), or any code editor you prefer.

  2. Write the Code: Type the following code in the text editor:

print("Hello, World!")
  1. Save the File: Save the file with a .py extension, such as

  2. Run the Program: Open a terminal, navigate to the directory where you saved the file, and type:


You should see the output:

Hello, World!


  • The print() function is used to display text (or other values) on the screen.
  • The Hello, World! text is enclosed in double quotes, indicating a string.
  • The python command in the terminal runs the Python interpreter and executes the code in the file.

Congratulations! You've just run your first Python program.

In this tutorial, you learned about the history and features of Python, how to install Python and set up your environment, and how to run a simple "Hello, World!" program. This is just the beginning of your Python journey. You can now explore more topics and build more complex programs as you continue your learning.